Alcohol Breathalysers

Alcohol Breathalysers


Personal, Business & Evidential Breathalyser
Devices For Every Situation

Alcohol Breathalysers

At Quantumed, we're committed to promoting responsible drinking and road safety by offering a premium selection of high-quality alcohol breathalysers. Our devices cater to individuals, businesses, and law enforcement, helping to prevent alcohol-related accidents and ensure the well-being of our communities.

Our Alcohol Tester Range

Personal Breathalysers: Compact and easy to use, our personal alcohol breathalysers provide quick and accurate readings, allowing you to make responsible decisions before getting behind the wheel.

Professional Breathalysers: Designed for businesses, schools, and law enforcement agencies, our professional-grade breathalysers deliver reliable and precise results for large-scale testing and roadside checkpoints.

Accessories & Calibration: Extend the life of your breathalyser with our selection of accessories, including mouthpieces, sample cups, straws, sanitary wipes and calibration services.

Trusted Accuracy: Our alcohol breathalysers are designed using reliable sensor technology to provide dependable and precise results.

Premium Selection: We offer a range of premium breathalysers, from affordable personal devices to advanced professional units, ensuring you find the right solution for your needs.

Efficient Shipping: We pride ourselves on our efficient order processing and shipping, ensuring that you receive your breathalyser as quickly as possible.

Dedicated Customer Support: Our knowledgeable technical team is here to assist you in choosing the perfect breathalyser, answering your questions, and providing guidance on device maintenance.
Disposable Alcohol Breathalyser

Disposable Alcohol Breathalyser

The Disposable alcohol breathalyser is a single use breathalyser which will help determine whether a person is over the South African legal drink driving limit.

This is a great alcohol tester to keep in your vehicle if you have unexpectedly consumed alcohol.
Alcoscan™ AT62 Alcohol Breathalyser

Alcoscan™ AT62 Alcohol Breathalyser

The Alcoscan™ AT-62 alcohol breathalyser is a compact keyring breathalyser which is used for personal use and is a great health and safety promotional gift.
Alcoscan™ AL2500 Prime Alcohol Breathalyser

Alcoscan™ AL2500 Prime Alcohol Breathalyser

The Alcoscan™ AL2500 Prime is a reliable, easy to use compact breathalyser with simple one-button operation and backlit display which allows discreet use even in the dark.

The AL2500 breathalyser is used and recommended for personal use only.
Alcoscan™ AL6000 Lite Alcohol Breathalyser

Alcoscan™ AL6000 Lite Alcohol Breathalyser

The Alcoscan™ AL6000 Lite is a small hand held, portable breath alcohol tester to check subject’s breath alcohol concentration with reliable accuracy.

The AL6000 Lite breathalyser is mainly used for home or small office use and has a recalibration cycle once yearly or every 300 tests to maintain reliability.
KY8300P Alcohol Breathalyser

KY8300P Alcohol Breathalyser

The KY8300P alcohol breathalyser is a quick testing, easy to use breathalyser with a digital screen and has memory capabilities. This breathalyser is perfectly coupled with a rechargeable, wireless printer and in addition data management software is included to view all test results on a PC.

This unit is perfect for all industries who require a breathalyser with printing capabilities but have a tight budget.
AT808 Alcohol Breathalyser

AT808 Alcohol Breathalyser

The AT808 is a simple, compact quick fuel-cell alcohol tester and is highly accurate.

This unit digitally displays its results after automatically capturing the subject’s breath sample. This device comes with a free downloadable app from the Google or Apple store which will allow you to capture an image of the subject doing a breathalyser test as well as store the results for reference later.

Lion AlcoBlow® Alcohol Breathalyser

Lion AlcoBlow® Alcohol Breathalyser

The Lion AlcoBlow® is an extremely quick screening breathalyser device and is highly accurate. This device is popular among all markets whether it be for a small business park security checks or large police road-blocks, this device is robust for harsh environments and never ceases to let anyone down.
Cheetah-1 Alcohol Breathalyser

CHEETAH-1 Alcohol Breathalyser

The Cheetah-1 is a screening breathalyser with an informative OLED digital screen, rechargeable battery, built-in torch and memory capabilities to recall subjects test results.

This unit is perfect for all working environments of any industry which requires a fast and reliable alcohol breathalyser.
AT7200 Alcohol Breathalyser

AT7200 Alcohol Breathalyser

The AT7200 is a quick screening breathalyser device and is highly accurate. This device is new to the South African market and has quickly become a popular choice among businesses.

This unit digitally displays its results after automatically capturing the subjects breath sample. Its optional rechargeable wireless printer has quickly become a favourite to pair with the device to obtain evidence at the scene of testing.

Lion Alcolmeter® 400 Alcohol Breathalyser

Lion Alcolmeter® 400 Alcohol Breathalyser

The Lion Alcolmeter® 400 is a fully automatic device which provides accurate results within seconds.

This device is used among many police departments globally including police departments in the United Kingdom.
Lion Alcolmeter® 700 Alcohol Breathalyser

Lion Alcolmeter® 700 Alcohol Breathalyser

The Lion Alcolmeter® 700 developed to exceed the latest EN 15964 standards for police breathalysers, not just DOT approved as claimed by other manufacturers. This device has multiple modes of operation.

It also has the capability of recalling any of the older tests onto its screen for reviewing or reprinting.

Short Demostration Videos


Lion Alcolmeter ® 600

Lion Alcolmeter ® 500

Lion AlcoBlow®

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121 King St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.